Sunday, September 20, 2009

The Santa Barbara Independent godd 9/11 controlled demolition official media article

Santa Barbara Independent, 9/11 Twin Towers, Twin Myths? ~Very good article in official media on 9/11 controlled demolition. I'd say it diminishes, or overlooks little bit the paramount importance of Dr. Jones, Prof Harrit scientific evidence work.

The Santa Barbara Independent Twin Towers, Twin Myths?

Friday, September 11, 2009

9/11 Inside Job 8 year anniversary

9/11 Inside Job 8 year anniversary. American Reichstag Fire, Controlled Demolition 9/11 Truth Movement is bigger and better than ever with film festivals, books, videos and websites to communicate scientific evidence to counter the lies of Nazis USA's war profiteer machine. ,, DVD that is a Must See at .... 9/11 books to read

9/11 Inside Job 8 year anniversary : Indybay

Thursday, September 10, 2009